LCD Wall Mount - Secure Your LCD TV in Place and Enjoy Surfing Channels

An LCD wall mount is necessary to mount and LCD TV to the wall. They are sold separately from the LCD TV for an additional charge - although many retailers will include the wall mount with the television is they are running a special sale.

Swivel Tv Mounts

What is it?

Swivel Tv Mounts

It is the device that holds the LCD on the wall. Typically, it comes in a kit, the kit usually contains wall brackets and the hardware required to mount the TV to the wall brackets. Usually, it is constructed out of tempered steel and is not bendable.


There are three major types of mounts. The first type is the simplest and the easiest to install. A stationary mount does not move at all, once it is installed to the wall and the LCD TV is put in place there is no movement. The next type of mount is the swivel mount. This one moves from side to side, allowing the LCD TV to be moved from left to right for better viewing options, the installation for this type is a bit more difficult than the stationary type. The final type is the motion mount. The motion mount swivels from side to side and also can be moved up and down and on several angles this is the most difficult to install.


The cost is largely dependent on which model it is. The most expensive has the most motion. The least expensive is the stationary model. In most cases, the kit will run right around one hundred dollars and just a little extra for the better models.


Installation is a two person job, one person will have to help to lift the TV and place it once the installation of the mount is complete. A kit will come with step by step instructions for installation. A power drill will be useful in the process as will a stud finder.

An LCD wall mount is a necessary item to mount an LCD TV to the wall. Mounting the LCD TV to the wall is very trendy and opens up the floor space as well.

LCD Wall Mount - Secure Your LCD TV in Place and Enjoy Surfing Channels
Swivel Tv Mounts

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